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From the introductory.
It is safe to say that everyone who is not rich is desirous of having wealth, and is striving in one way or another to acquire it. The possession of riches is often spoken of as a doubtful blessing, when the cares and responsibilities attendant thereto are considered; however, one would need to travel far to find a person unwilling to accept a heavy load of this world's goods — cares, responsibilities and all. But while it is well known that the poor are often unhappy and discontented, yet wealth does not by any means invariably bring happiness and contentment. At a meeting in London to make arrangements for one of Mr. Moody's campaigns, a speaker expressed the hope that Mr. Moody would "do something for the miserably poor of London." "I shall try and do so," the evangelist replied, "and I hope also to be able to do something for the miserably rich." The ambition to acquire a competency, however, is certainly a laudable one. Money in itself is neither good