Profit From the Core : Growth Strategy in an Era of Turbulence

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This is an indispensable strategic guide for leaders in all industries based on a ten-year study of 2,000 companies. It gives a rigorous analysis of what drives successful growth strategies, consisting of specific company examples, financial performance histories, industry case studies, interviews with CEOs, etc. It identifies enduring and often counterintuitive lessons on achieving profitable growth over the long haul. It makes compelling case that it's the core business that provides the value and builds market power. It has a thorough examination of what differentiates sustained value creators. It is an authoritative text written by respected leaders of Bain's worldwide strategy practice.Spawned by a 10-year study of 2,000 firms conducted at Bain & Company, a global consultancy specializing in business strategy, Profit from the Core is based on the fundamental but oft-ignored maxim that prolonged corporate growth is most profitably achieved by concentrating on a single core business

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