The Everything Learning German Book: Speak, write, and understand basic German in no time

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Download The Everything Learning German Book: Speak, write, and understand basic German in no time

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Learning to sprechen Sie Deutsches is fun--and far easier than you might think. German and English are closely related--you already know viele Phrasen! With this guide, you will make sense of this fascinating language in no time.

This practical, hands-on Buch comes with easy-to-understand lessons, useful exercises, and a CD for pronunciation help. Building on the German language's close relation to English, this all-new edition covers everything from basic introductions to verb conversions. You will learn to:Ich möchte ein Berliner, bitte. Order food with ease.Wie viel kostet der Käse? Ask how much items cost.Der Vater kaufte seinem Sohn ein Fahrrad. Understand direct and indirect objects.viel / mehr / am meisten. Use superlatives to communicate more effectively.Der Ball wird von dem Mann geschlagen. Know when to use passive voice. Whether you want to samp

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