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Ever wondered why the rich get richer and the poor get poorer? One major reason is that the poor work for money while the rich have money work for them. While the poor work every day to make a living, the rich do the bulk of the work once and continue to reap the fruit of their work for a very long time. By the time they get old, the poor man no longer has the same amount of energy as before and his productivity drops. This automatically affects his income and he begins to depend on others for survival. The rich man on the other hand has been able to build several streams of passive income which keep bringing in money to him. Passive income is income that you earn with little or no effort. It is often called residual income because the bulk of the work is done once while little extra effort may be required to keep it running. There are also some that require no additional effort. The money just keeps flowing. Any work that involves your active participation cannot be regarded as pa