Company valuation under IFRS: Interpreting and forecasting accounts using International Financial Reporting Standards

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International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) are now mandatory in many parts of the world, including Europe, Australia and China. In addition, many countries are in the process of IFRS adoption. Lastly, foreign registrants in US companies no longer have to undertake a costly US-IFRS reconciliation. Therefore, it is clear that investors, analysts and valuers need to understand financial statements produced under IFRS to feed in to their valuations and broader investment decisions.
Written by practitioners for practitioners, the book addresses valuation from the viewpoint of the analyst, the investor and the corporate acquirer. It starts with valuation theory: what is to be discounted and at what discount rate? It explains the connection between standard methodologies based on free cash flow and on return on capital. And it emphasizes that, whichever method is used, accurate interpretation of accounting information is critical to the production of sensible valuations. The auth

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